Autism Treatment Options For Your Newly Diagnosed Child

Receiving news that your child has autism can be overwhelming and confusing. While it's a relief to finally have answers to the things that your child has been struggling with, it can be a time of uncertainty as you try to figure out the best treatment path for his or her unique struggles. Although most every child with autism experiences many of the same types of symptoms and issues, their severity and the way that those symptoms present can vary based on where he or she is on the spectrum. Read More 

5 Reasons To Consider Speaking With A Counselor

If you're going through a difficult time, you may be considering seeing a counselor. Many people of all ages go and life situations go through counseling because they find it to be helpful. While you may feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea at first, attending counseling sessions can turn out to be a great thing for you. Here are the top reasons to consider speaking with a counselor:  It Gives You Someone to Talk to Read More 

Four Benefits Of Marriage Counseling When Things Are Going Well

Many people wait to seek marriage counseling until their marriage is in trouble. And while marriage counseling may save a struggling marriage, sometimes waiting until there's trouble is too little, too late. You're better off seeking marriage counseling when everything is going well in your marriage. Doing so can prevent problems down the road and also offer these benefits. 1. You will learn how to resolve conflicts without fighting. There are going to be things you disagree with in your marriage. Read More 

Are You Going Through A Rough Time In Your Marriage?

When you were newlyweds you probably thought that the most serious problem you would ever have would be fighting over who was going to do the dishes. Reality might have set in when you realized that marriage was a bit like a roller coaster ride, with highs and lows along the way. If you are experiencing more low spots than the exhilarating high spots, from making more time for each other to seeking marriage counseling, here are some ideas that might help you and your spouse. Read More 

The Anxiety Gun: What Loads Your Bullets And Pulls Your Trigger?

Anxiety can be one of those things that consistently paralyze you into inaction. Sometimes, it can even mimic a heart attack in order to get you to stop what you are doing and take an extended break far away from what triggers your anxiety. You live your life with a perpetual anxiety "gun," which is constantly loaded with the bullets that fill up and overwhelm you, and then the final trigger is pulled before you freak out and/or meltdown. Read More